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August 20, 2010

FAQs About Mosquitoes - Part Two

How often should a property be treated for mosquitoes?
The length of effectiveness is dependent upon several variables including temperature, humidity, surfaces treated, materials or control methods employed. The time lapse between treatments depends upon these factors and specifically the materials used.

What can homeowners do to reduce the risks from mosquitoes?
There are many ways a homeowner can reduce the risks from mosquitoes:

* Eliminate or reduce mosquito breeding sites by replacing all standing water at least once a week. This includes bird baths, ponds and swimming pools.
* Remove unneeded vegetation or trash from around any standing water sources that cannot be changed, dumped or removed.
* Introduce mosquito-eating fish such as gambusia, green sunfish, bluegills and minnows to standing water.
* Screen windows, doors, and other openings with fine mesh, sealing around all screen edges and keeping doors and windows shut to prevent entry.
* Avoid going outdoors when and where mosquitoes are most active: during dusk or dawn.
* Use repellent on exposed skin whenever and wherever mosquitoes are likely to bite. The most effective repellents currently available contain the active ingredient N,N-diethylbenzamide (DEET), in concentrations up to about 35% (greater concentrations don't offer better protection).
* Wear long-sleeved shirts and long-legged pants, preferably treated with a repellent as well.

If you're concerned about mosquitoes around your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
Serving Central Massachusetts

Reference: www.pestworld.org

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