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April 30, 2012

Termites Are Serious Business

Termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage each year. When it comes to protecting your commercial or residential property from termites and other destructive insects, Dave's Pest Control guarantees a safe effective and professional job every time.

Through years of education, training, modern technology, and years of experience, we will be able to provide your real estate with the best protection possible.

If you're concerned that you have termites in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

April 28, 2012

Heavy Tick Season Forecasted

The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) is forecasting a heavier tick season than in previous years, but it's not due to the unseasonably mild winter as one might expect. Rather, acorns can be blamed for the predicted surge in tick populations this year, particularly in the Northeastern U.S.

Oak trees produced an extremely large acorn crop in 2010, which led to a boom in the white-footed mouse population last year. As a result, the blacklegged (deer) tick population also increased because the ticks had an abundance of mice to feed on when they hatched. However, this spring those same ticks will be looking for their second meal as nymphs, but a decline in the mice population may force them to find new warm-blooded host - humans.

Experts are concerned about an increase in human cases of tick-borne disease. The NPMA offers the following tick tips:
  • Use tick repellent when outdoors and wear long sleeved shirts and pants, preferably light in color, so ticks are easier to detect.
  • Use preventative medicine on pets, as prescribed by your veterinarian.
  • Once indoors, inspect clothing and your entire body. Check family members and pets that have been outdoors.
  • Keep grass cut low, including around fences, sheds, trees, shrubs and swing sets. Remove weeds, woodpiles and other debris from the yard.
  • If you find a tick on your body, remove it with a slow, steady pull so as not to break off the mouthparts and leave them in the skin. Then, wash hands and bite site thoroughly with soap and water. Ticks should be flushed down a toilet or wrapped in tissue before disposing in a closed receptacle.
  • If you suspect a tick bite, seek medical attention.

If you're concerned about ticks in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 26, 2012

Open Pipe Mud Daubers

This group of wasps gets its common name from the fact that they construct their nest of mud. Mud daubers are found throughout the United States.

Mud daubers are solitary wasps. They are not social and do not live in colonies. Mud daubers provision spiders for their larvae by paralyzing them with their venom and bringing them into their nests.

Mud daubers do not defend their nests and only rarely sting. They are typically considered nuisance pests, and are actually beneficial as they help control spiders. Although mud daubers are not typically dangerous, their nests should be removed by a pest management professional if found on your property, as their abandoned nests are often adopted by other more dangerous wasp species.

If you're concerned that you have mud daubers, wasps, or other stinging insects in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 24, 2012

Trust Your Instincts

A Public Service Announcement from PestWorld.org

If you're concerned that you have mice or other rodents in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 22, 2012

Ants, Ants, Ants

Am I driving you buggy about ants yet?
  • Fire ants first entered the United States in the 1920s through the port of Mobile, Alabama.
  • Ants are the #1 nuisance pest in the United States.
  • A majority of homeowners report being concerned about ants.
  • 56% of homeowners surveyed said they have had a problem with ants in the past year.
  • More people in the South and West report having problems with ants.
  • Odorous house ants may be difficult to control because they don't feed much from baiting stations.
  • While their name may be misleading, pavement ants can also be found inside the home.
  • 32% of households that experienced ants called a professional.
If you're concerned about ants in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 20, 2012

Those Pesky House Flies

House flies get their name from being the most common fly found around homes. Adult house flies can grow to one-quarter of an inch long and usually live between 15 and 25 days.

While they are only able to feed on liquids, house flies have the ability to turn many solid foods into a liquid for them to eat. House flies taste with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue. House flies tend to stay within 1-2 miles of where they were born; however, they have been known to migrate up to 20 miles to find food.

These pesky insects have been known to carry over 100 different kinds of disease-causing germs, which makes them very bad house guests. House flies can be controlled through vigilant sanitation. Remove trash regularly and use well-sealing garbage receptacles. Clean up pet waste immediately. Use fine mesh screens on doors and windows to prevent fly entry.

If you're concerned house flies in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 18, 2012

Black-legged Deer Ticks

The blacklegged tick is named for its dark legs, which are a contrast to its pale body. Blacklegged ticks are sometimes called deer ticks. These ticks like to feed on the blood of white-tailed deer, which is why they are sometimes called deer ticks.

Blacklegged ticks prefer to hide in grass and shrubs. Blacklegged (deer) ticks can spread Lyme Disease. When in an area where ticks are common, wear long sleeved shirts and pants, preferably light colored so ticks will be easy to detect. Tuck pants into socks. Use a tick repellent. When you return indoors, inspect clothing and skin thoroughly for ticks, including head. Wash clothes immediately.

If you're concerned about ticks in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 16, 2012

10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs

This video, courtesy of PestWorld, will take you on an educational trip through the history of bed bugs, teach you how to be vigilant to minimize your risk of encountering them and how to effectively deal with this resilient pest if you have an infestation.


Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 14, 2012

More Facts About Ants

Did you know all this about ants?
  • If crushed, the odorous house ant worker gives off a rotten coconut odor, hence it's name.
  • An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. If a 175-pound man had the comparative strength of an ant, he could lift four tons.
  • African weaver ants can haul prey weighing more than 1,000 times their own weight up trees to their nests mainly through the aid of large adhesive pads on each foot.
  • Odorous house ants are common in California north to Washington and are the most common pest ant in the mid-south region of Arkansas and West Tennessee. They may be encountered occasionally throughout the Midwestern United States.
  • Fire ants currently infest 14 states in the southern portion of the U.S.
Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 12, 2012

Black Widow Spiders Inside Home

In addition to roaches, exterminators have found a nest of black widow spiders.

If you're concerned that you have spider, cockroaches, or other pests or rodents in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

April 10, 2012

Introducing Springtails

Certain species of springtails are referred to as "snow fleas" when found in winter, but they are not fleas at all. Springtails are found year round, but because of a special protein that acts like anti-freeze, this type of springtail is able to survive in cold winter temperatures. Springtails don't have wings, instead they get around by jumping, using a unique catapult system. Their jumping is especially noticeable in winter when they are contrasted against white snow.

Springtails are very common around pools with nearby vegetation, around air conditioning condensate drain lines and other moist areas. In winter, snow fleas emerge on sunny days and gather in large numbers around bases of trees where snow has melted. Because of their small size, they look like flecks of pepper or ashes on the surface of the snow. Snow fleas feed on decaying plant matter. Snow fleas prefer damp soil, leaf mold, decaying logs and fungi.

Snow fleas do not cause any structural damage and should not be of concern to homeowners. In addition, snow fleas are not a threat to family pets as they are not a flea at all. Their sole diet consists of rotting plant food.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 8, 2012

House Crickets - Part Two

House crickets are nocturnal or active at night and usually hide in dark warm places during the day. Outside, they feed on plants and dead or live insects, including other crickets. Indoors, house crickets can feast on fabric, eating large areas, leaving holes and are especially attracted to clothes soiled with perspiration.

Clothing and carpets can become damaged when house crickets enter homes. They typically feed on the surface, leaving the area roughened from pulling the fibers loose while eating.

The most effective way to prevent cricket infestations is to reduce areas of moisture in and around your home. Mow the lawn, weed plant beds and move woodpiles away from the structure. Provide adequate ventilation in crawl spaces, basements, etc. In addition, change outdoor lighting to less-attractive yellow bulbs or sodium vapor lamps. It is also important to seal possible points of entry around the house including window and door frames.

If you're concerned about house crickets in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 6, 2012

House Crickets - Part One

House crickets get their common name from the fact that they often enter houses where they can survive indefinitely. Interestingly, they are known for their loud chirping which is caused by rubbing their front wings together to attract females.

House crickets are nocturnal or active at night and usually hide in dark warm places during the day. Outside, they feed on plants and dead or live insects, including other crickets. Indoors, house crickets can feast on fabric, eating large areas, leaving holes and are especially attracted to clothes soiled with perspiration.

During warm weather, house crickets typically live outdoors and are especially fond of garbage dumps. They are often attracted to electric lights in larger numbers, sometimes by the thousands, and rest on vertical surfaces such as light poles and house walls. However, when cold weather approaches, they seek shelter in houses and sheds because of the moisture and warmth they provide.

If you're concerned that you have house crickets in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 4, 2012

Some Facts About Ants

Did you know . . .
  • After mating, queen ants lose their wings and never fly again.
  • Ants are able communicate with each other about danger and directions to food.
  • Ants cannot chew their food. They move their jaws sidewards, like a scissor, to extract the juices from the food.
  • When excited or disturbed, the acrobat ant workers run about with their abdomens held high above their heads.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

April 2, 2012

Meet the Boxelder Bug - Part Two

Boxelder bugs are not known to bite, but their piercing-sucking mouthparts can occasionally puncture skin, causing a slight irritation and producing a red spot similar to a mosquito bite. When crushed or handled roughly, boxelder bugs may leave a reddish orange stain from their fecal material that can result in discoloration of curtains, drapes, and clothing.

To prevent boxelder bugs from invading homes, repair holes in window and door screens, seal cracks and crevices with a good quality silicone or silicone-latex caulk and install door sweeps to all exterior entrances.

If boxelder bugs have already entered a home or building, no attempt should be made to kill them in wall voids because dead insect bodies can attract dermestid beetles. Rather, using a vacuum cleaner to remove them may provide temporary relief. The bag should be removed to prevent the bugs from escaping.

If you're concerned that you have boxelder bugs in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org