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June 4, 2011

Preventing Cockroach Invasions - Part 2

Just like with rats, a clean home is the best way to keep cockroaches at bay. It's a good idea to sweep up the kitchen floor before going to bed to be certain there are no loose crumbs lying about to attract cockroaches. Don't forget to close any open trash bags under your kitchen sink as well.

The German cockroach is the most common type and is found all over the US. This particular variety drinks a lot of water so sponge up any standing water in the kitchen sink and don't leave out dirty dishes with scraps of food affixed after you go off to bed. If you have a leaky pipe, be sure to get it fixed as soon as possible because even the smallest thing like this can draw the cockroaches. Remember that by denying cockroaches the food and water they seek, you are taking a major step toward avoiding an infestation.

More than one individual has moved to escape a cockroach infestation that just couldn't be vanquished. Be very sure if you move that you aren't transporting cockroaches in any of your moving cartons. Keep a can of pesticide on hand and if you spot any, spray them immediately or you'll have brought the infestation with you to your new home or apartment. Moving again would be awfully expensive, so do all you can to make sure none made the trip with you to the new house.

Here are some good general rules to prevent a cockroach infestation:

1. Be certain to store food in tightly-sealed containers or in your refrigerator.
2. Sweep floors and wipe down kitchen counters every night before bed.
3. Never leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight are any bowls or plates filled with water.
4. Take out all garbage every night. Make sure kitchen trash receptacle is sealed.
5. Use caulking to seal up any small cracks in walls, baseboards, around pipes and anywhere else cockroaches might gain entry or hide.
6. Make sure you have weather stripping around doors and windows. This will keep cockroaches from entering.
7. Fix all leaks and keep areas under sinks clean and dry.
8. Clean up piles of clutter everywhere in the house but especially in the basement or close to the kitchen area.
9. Spray roach killer frequently under sinks, in the basement and around and under the refrigerator, washer and dryer. These are favorite cockroach hiding places.

If you're concerned that you have cockroaches in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Pest Control Company

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