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March 8, 2012

Pests Can Suck The Fun Out Of Spring Break - PArt 2

(Excerpt from a press release for the National Pest Management Association)

Travelers must also take steps to prevent bed bugs from hitching rides home with them in luggage and clothing. The 2011 Bugs Without Borders survey found a significant increase in the prevalence of bed bugs in public places, including hotels/motels and college dorms.

To remain pest-free both during and after Spring Break, NPMA offers the following tips:
  • Use insect repellant containing EPA-registered active ingredients like DEET or Picaridin.

  • Limit time outdoors or wear long sleeves and pants during dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.

  • If bitten by a mosquito, clean the area thoroughly, avoid scratching, and apply anti-itch cream.

  • To inspect a hotel room for bed bugs, pull back bed sheets, inspect mattress seams, box springs, headboards, sofas and chairs for telltale brownish or reddish spots, shed skins or bugs.

  • Avoid putting luggage on beds or upholstered furniture and store it in a plastic bag.

  • Once home, inspect and vacuum suitcases before bringing them inside. Wash and dry all clothes on hot.

  • Consumers suspecting an infestation should contact a licensed pest professional.
If you're concerned an infestation in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control
A Central Massachusetts Extermination and Pest Control
Worcester County Pest and Rodent Exterminators

Reference: www.pestworld.org

The NPMA, a non-profit organization with more than 7,000 members, was established in 1933 to support the pest management industry's commitment to the protection of public health, food and property.

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