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March 22, 2010

Carpenter Ants - Part 2

Carpenter ants have main colonies and sub (satellite) colonies. The main colony takes about five years to mature and is most often found in the woods. Once mature, the large colony needs help so it sends out swarmers (winged ants) that locate spots in the vicinity where the sub colonies can thrive. Once a spot is found, they rip off their wings and start setting up shop. Each sub colony has a job (such as caring for all the eggs or collecting water) but they are all depend on the main colony and frequently (at night) travel back to the main colony to help it out.

Once mature, a main colony will continually be setting up sub colonies. Homes are ideal for them since there are reliable water sources there (we often find the colonies around window or door frames or in the kitchen or bathroom). The seasonal visit program does guarantee you protection from these continual, wood destroying invaders throughout the spring and summer.

Carpenter ants do not actually feed on the wood. They feed actively from sunset until the early morning hours on most human foods, particularly sweets and other insects.

If you're concerned that you have carpenter ants in your home or place of business, give Dave a call at 1-800-400-6009.

Dave's Pest Control Central MA

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