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November 22, 2010

Dust Mite Trivia

The dust mite is nearly impossible to see without magnification. A typical mattress can contain tens of thousands of dust mites.

Nearly 100,000 mites can live in a single square yard of carpet!

Dust Mites primarily feed on dead skin shed by humans and other animals. They can also absorb moisture from the air. Dust Mites are most often found in beds. They may also be found living in carpet, furniture, and clothing.

Dust Mites are harmless to most people. They carry small foreign proteins, often referred to as "allergens". They don't carry diseases, but these proteins can cause allergic reactions in people by triggering the immune system to over react.


* Change your sheets often.
* Vacuum frequently.
* Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
* If Dust Mites are a real problem in your home, call Dave!

Dave's Pest Control
Serving Central Massachusetts

Reference: www.pestworld.org

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